Annual Meeting, Voting, and Dues
February 1 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC-6
Good day, fellow IMYC members. Once again, it is time to consider new club officers. This happens every two years.
Commodore Chuck Atkinson, per procedure, appointed a three-member Nominating Committee consisting of myself, Tonya Byrd and Ron Nash. The committee has reported the following nominees, and they have accepted:
Commodore: William “Rocky” Ford
Vice Commodore: Victoria Powell
Secretary/Treasurer: Angie Clinton
Our constitution allows for members to offer other nominations between now and the annual meeting, coming up on Feb. 1st. In the meantime, voting is now open for the positions above. You may nominate and/or vote by email, text or regular mail, to:
Rocky Ford
3747 Quapaw Road
Benton, AR 72019
You may also vote at the Feb. 1st meeting. If you have not voted before the meeting and cannot attend, you may vote by proxy.
A reminder that the Annual Meeting is Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 10:00 in the Iron Mountain Marina conference room. It is important for you to attend and support the new officers and offer suggestions for the new year. Annual dues will be collected at the meeting.
By the way, guests are not only welcome, but they’re also encouraged! Bring a potential new member.
See you Feb 1st!
Rocky Ford, Vice Commodore