Dockside Deals & Memorial Weekend Events

Dockside Deals & Memorial Weekend Events

DOCKSIDE DEALS info. Somebody wants your extra tools, boat parts, nuts, bolts, screws,  equipment, all kinds/sizes of excess line, etc. So bring your boat stuff ready to sell (priced, cleaned, etc.) and display on your dock box at 4:00pm on Sat, May 25 just before the Club Memorial Day Party.  We’ll all have fun exploring and maybe buying your neighbor’s boat stuff!



  1. Regatta or Cruise (Let’s get out on the water) – starting between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.  Contact Ron Nash for more details.  You can find his email in the list of recipients.
  2. Dockside Deals – starting about 4 p.m. – pull out and price all your excess boating equipment and supplies. Sell it on the dock to other boaters.  More on that is coming from Jay Schafer.
  3. A Delicious Meal –  it’s in the planning, I’ll get more out on it later.  Plan to attend. The more the merrier.  The meal will be at 6:00 p.m. at the club pavilion.  We do need a head count, so respond to this email and let me know how many are in your group.

Hope to see you there.

Sail On!!

Chuck Atkinson


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