2024 Arkansas Catalina 22 Hog Wild Regatta

2024 Arkansas Catalina 22 Hog Wild Regatta

2024 Arkansas Catalina 22 Hog Wild Regatta

The George Yerger Arkansas Hog Wild Regatta and State Championship is scheduled for May 4-5, 2024 at the Iron Mountain Yacht Club. Interested parties can sign up at this link.
  1.   Rules

1.1  The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of sailing 2021-2024.

1.2   Catalina 22 Rules as found on Catalina 22 National Sailing Association website.

  1. Eligibility and Entry

2.1 Regatta is open to all eligible Catalina 22 boats meeting participation requirements as set forth in the Catalina 22 Class Rules.

2.2  Eligible boats may enter by completing the Preregistration Form and Mailing or emailing it to the Club Commodore (see 14.1).  (thank you, we need this information for slip assignment and food).

2.3  Completed registration and required fees must be received prior to close of registration on Saturday, 4 May, 2024.


  1. Fees(cash or check only) (we can not process credit or debit cards)

3.1  Entry fee per boat is $70.00.

3.2  Meal ticket of $40.00 — per person will cover the following: Friday night Social with refreshments; Continental Breakfast, Saturday and Sunday; bag lunch, Saturday; HOG WILD Supper, Saturday; BBQ or Hotdogs/Chili and drinks Sunday after race.

3.3  $25 late fee for not preregistering  by Saturday, May 4, 2024.  (see 2.2 & 14.1).

  1. 4.Fleets

4.1 Two fleets are planned, gold fleet and silver fleet.

4.2 Three boats constitute a fleet.  In the event insufficient competitors register to form silver fleet, they will be registered in gold fleet.


  1. Schedule

5.1  Registration  Friday 5/3/2024;  1400 to 1800.

5.2  Registration  Saturday 5/4/2024;  0800 to 0930.

5.3  Competitor’s meeting Saturday 5/4/2024 at 1000.

5.4  1st Warning Signal Saturday 5/4/2024 at 1125.

5.5  1st Warning Signal Sunday 5/5/2024 at 0925.

5.6  No Race will begin later than 1200 on Sunday 5/5/2024.

5.7   Five races are scheduled, three on Saturday 5/4/2024 and two on Sunday 5/5/2024.  However, the actual races started is at the discretion of the Race Committee.

5.8 Protocol will keep the offset buoy following the windward mark.

6.0  Sailing  instructions will be available at Registration/Check in.

  1. Venue    Iron Mountain Yacht Club at Iron Mountain Marina with the area of racing being adjacent on DeGray Lake.

  1. The course   will be a modified windward/leeward with an optional gate and optional offset.

  1. Scoring  The low point system of RRS Appendix A will be used.  No score will be excluded.  Boats scored TLE (Time Limit Expired) will be scored points equal to the number of boats finishing within the time limit plus two points.  This changes RRS A4, A5, and A10.

  1. Regatta.One race will constitute a regatta.

  1. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.   A special award will be given to the highest scoring Arkansas boat.

  1. Radio Communications. The race committee will use VHF Ch 72 or alternate designated recreational channel to make courtesy broadcasts.  Failure to hear or understand a broadcast will not be grounds for redress.  Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats,  This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.

  1. Disclaimer of Liability.  Competitors participate in the Regatta entirely at their own risk.  See RRS3, Decision to Race.  The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or to, during, or after the Regatta.

  1. Further information

14.1 For local information and preregistration contact Iron Mountain Yacht Club (IMYC)

IMYC Commodore and Fleet 145 Captain:

            Chuck Atkinson; 87 Will Rd., Arkadelphia, AR 71923. 870-05403-8189;  ckatk120@gmail.com

Race director:

Ron Nash; 977 Stephens Hwy. Magnolia, AR 71753; nashvmd@hotmail.com ; 870-510- 2429

 Fleet 145 Measurer:

              Geroge Yerger;  yerger.arkansas@gmail.com; 501-206-5651

14.2  Welcome – Informal activity with refreshments planned for Friday night at IMYC Pavilion.

14.3 Motels: Local Motels located at I-30 exit 73 & 78 (Note some motels are listed as Arkadelphia but are located in Caddo Valley).

Iron Mountain Lodge & Marina has lowered their prices for 2024 season (info: www.iron-mountain.com , 870-246-4310).

DeGray Lake State Park Lodge on North Shore.  www.arkansasstateparks.com

      Camping and RV:  The Corp of Engineers Iron Mountain Campground is adjacent to the marina.  You may contact the Corp for reservations. Also, Iron Mountain Lodge and Marina has camping and RV facilities.

  1. Map and directions:  Take I-30 to exit 78 (Caddo Valley) turn north on AR Hwy 7 for 2 miles.  Then turn left on Skyline Dr for 2-1/2 miles, turn right at Iron Mountain Lodge & Marina sign and you are there.
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